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Our doors are open to all who seek to worship, learn and serve the community.

Services at  Congregation Bet Haverim are a learning experience.  During the service members of the Minyan are encouraged to raise their hand if they have a question regarding the structure of the service, the meaning of a prayer, the interpretation of the Torah portion or a comment regarding the practice of Judaism.

Our goal is to broaden the understanding of Judaism.  And through better understanding establish each individual’s relationship with G-d.  Join us to experience our interactive service.  Come learn with us.

about our services

In keeping with Reconstructionist ideals, worship is a collaborative effort. Congregants share service leadership duties with the rabbi, and participation is always welcome and warmly encouraged. 
Worship liturgy centers on "Kol Haneshamah" (Voice of the Soul), the Reconstructionist siddur (prayer book) developed cooperatively by rabbis and lay members.
All prayers are egalitarian and gender-neutral, and liturgy honors the contributions of women and men throughout our history and heritage.
Our service schedule for the current month, along with other events, can be found on our calendar.
Unless otherwise noted on the calendar, all services are held at our location in Toco Hills: 2074 Lavista Rd. Parking is available across Lavista Rd at the Intown Community Church and in the neighborhood.
Erev Shabbat ServiceStart your Shabbat at CBH! Each week we have a service filled with music, discussion and cameraderie. Our services are based on the Reconstructionist prayerbook, Kol Haneshama. In both form and content, our goal is to balance tradition with creativity in our services. Members are encouraged to take on leadership roles in our services. Our children and the adults are invited to actively participate.
Our Friday night services are followed by an oneg, hosted by members of the congregation. If you would like to host an oneg to mark a simcha, remember a loved one, or just because, please contact the office for more details.
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785