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Thank you for your interest in joining Congregation Bet Haverim.  Please fill out the membership application below.  All membership applications are reviewed for approval at the soonest board meeting following submission.  

CBH Membership Application

Adult Member #1:

Adult Member #2 (if needed):

Children Under Age 26 (included in your CBH Membership):

Membership Application:
Briefly tell us why you'd like to join Congregation Bet Haverim.

Stay connected to our CBH community though our CBH Member-to-Member

A place where members share information ranging from upcoming events to interesting articles to professional referrals. This listserv is not used for official communication from the CBH office, though reminders are sometimes posted here.


An example of  suggested annual dues:

Annual Income

2.5% Annual

3.5% Annual


Under $25,000

Minimum $450


$37.50 - $72.92




$72.91 - $102.08




$104.16 - $145.83




$156.25 - $218.75




$208.33 - $291.67




$208.33 - $281.25




$281.25 - $437.50




$312.50 - $510.42




$364.58 - $583.33




$416.67 - $729.17




$520.83 - $875


Dues paid by CBH members provide the financial foundation for our congregational life, represent the largest portion of our community budget, and allow our staff to focus on the spiritual life of the community rather than on fundraising. Please take into account the information below, review your current capacity to contribute, and enter your financial commitment for this year.
• Our basic operating expense divided evenly across all households of any size is approximately $2100. 51% of our households consist of two adult members, 49% of one adult member and just over 50% have children.

• Our membership dues requirement is built upon a “fair share” dues schedule, wherein we ask each household to contribute 2.5-3.5% of total adjusted gross income. Please continue to use this percentage as a starting point in thinking about what you can contribute. This system has allowed us to offer membership benefits to people in a diverse set of financial situations. 

• Associate member dues, for those living outside the Atlanta Metro area OR for those who belong to another synagogue, is $450 annually.

• Student Membership – Dues for full time students is $216 ($18/month)
We understand that certain circumstances make it difficult or impossible to contribute 2.5-3.5% of income, while other circumstances may allow a larger contribution in a given year. We ask all members to give an amount that is significant to their household and represents a commitment to the community.

All members will be charged an annual security fee. This money will go directly towards paying the fees of hiring security officers at all Shabbat and holiday services. The current annual fee is $180. This amount may be paid in full or in monthly payments.

No person is turned away from CBH due to financial hardship.



Sun, January 19 2025 19 Tevet 5785