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Pronoun Name Tags

At CBH, we strive to be a community that encourages people to be their genuine selves. We welcome people whose gender identity doesn't neatly fall into of the two categories most of us were taught growing up -- and we see that the two sets of gendered pronouns are restrictive for all. By not identifying our pronouns, we are expected to guess - immediately upon meeting someone or hearing their name - what pronouns they use.

We all do our best. However these guesses and assumptions are sometimes incorrect -- and using the wrong pronoun does not feel good to anyone involved.

Along with many LGBTQ and allied communities, we are working to take assumptions out of the equation by inviting all of our members and guests to wear a name tag that removes the guesswork and tells people which pronouns are right for you.

On this page, you will find the name tags we are using.
You are welcome to download and print them for your own needs, share with other organizations, etc.
These are creative commons usage. Please do not sell them as they are a creation of our graphic designer and not for sale by others.

If you would like to make a donation of $1, $18 or another amount, we would be oh so grateful.
Donate Here

Two samples:

Printed on Avery 5395

Download here:

He/Him/His pdf

She/Her/Hers pdf

They/Them/Theirs pdf

Xe/Xem/Xyr pdf

Ze/Hir/Hirs pdf

Blank pdf


Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785