Brit Briyut
Brit Briyut: Covenant of Mutual Well-being
Rabbi Yohanan, a renowned healer, fell ill. When his colleague, Rabbi Hanina came to visit, he asked if Rabbi Yochanan wished to be healed. Rabbi Yochanan said. “Yes.” Rabbi Hanina said, “Give me your hand.” When Rabbi Yohanan gave him his hand, he was uplifted (healed). Why was Rabbi Yohanan, who was so powerful at healing others, unable to simply heal himself? The rabbis explained: “Prisoners cannot free themselves from prison.”
-Adapted from Talmud Berachot 5b
This teaching points to a fundamental and timely truth: our health and well-being depend on our taking care of one another. As our congregation prepares to resume gathering in-person in this new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be guided by this wisdom.
We ask that every CBH member enter into a Brit Briyut, a covenant for mutual well-being. A covenant is a sacred and solemn mutual agreement. Brit Briyut is based on these Jewish values:
- Pikuah Nefesh/ Preserving Life
- Kol Yisrael Aravim Zeh Lah Zeh/ Mutual Responsibility
- Shivyon/ Equity
- Shalom Bayit/ Communal Harmony
We affirm our obligation to:
- Protect one another by promoting public health policy and encouraging vaccination
- Act responsibly for our own well-being and that of our fellow congregants, guests, and staff
- Ensure that connection and participation are accessible to members of our community who are not able to join in-person
We therefore covenant with one another to ensure our mutual health and well-being.
Congregation Bet Haverim’s board and staff commit to:
- Continually solicit expert advice on measures to protect life and minimize risk to the health of our community.
- Implement that advice through congregational Health and Well-Being Protocols that will be updated as needed in response to changing health conditions and scientific understanding. These protocols will be accessible on the CBH website.
- Do what is necessary to make our physical spaces safe, and to facilitate multi-access experiences in which members can participate fully either on-site or online.
As a congregant, I shall:
- Keep myself and others safe by following CBH Health and Well-Being Protocols.
- Hold myself and others accountable for following Health and Well-Being Protocols.
- Strive to maintain positive attitudes and speech regarding CBH’s Health and Well-being Protocols, even when they pose an inconvenience.
- Voluntarily assume all risks related to potential exposure to COVID-19 at CBH, holding the congregation harmless.
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Fri, February 14 2025
16 Shevat 5785
Upcoming CBH Events
Friday ,
FebFebruary 14 , 2025Shabbat Services
Friday, Feb 14th 7:30p to 9:00p
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Brit Mitzvah of McKenzie Wren
Shabbat, Feb 15th 4:30p to 6:00p
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 16 , 2025Chorus for Comfort and Healing
Sunday, Feb 16th 2:30p to 4:00p
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025The Sabbath Queen Experience: Shabbat Service & Dinner
Friday, Feb 21st 6:30p to 9:30p
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 23 , 2025Sabbath Queen Film Screening
Sunday, Feb 23rd 4:45p to 6:45p
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 25 , 2025CBH Board Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 25th 5:45p to 7:45p
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 25 , 2025Chorus for Comfort and Healing
Tuesday, Feb 25th 7:00p to 8:30p
Friday ,
FebFebruary 28 , 2025Pajama Shabbat Sababa
Friday, Feb 28th 5:45p to 8:00p
Saturday ,
MarMarch 1 , 2025Brit Mitzvah of Jonah Goodman
Shabbat, Mar 1st 9:30a to 12:30p
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025CBH Community School
Sunday, Mar 2nd 9:30a to 12:30p
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