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Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 5 Sivan 5784

6:30 PM - 6:30 AM Next DayAhavath Achim Synagogue | 600 Peachtree Battle Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30327

Singing at Sinai
Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot
June 11-12 at Ahavath Achim Synagogue | 600 Peachtree Battle Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30327

View the Full Schedule

‎7:00 PM Opening Program: Join us at 6:30 PM for afternoon ‎prayer services in the chapel followed at 7:00 by Music in ‎Common’s powerful opening program in Paradies Hall, featuring ‎a documentary screening, dialogue, and musical performance ‎focused on Music in Common’s Israel-Palestine and interfaith ‎work in the US and Middle East.‎

Stay all night or as long as you like for breakout sessions, meditation ‎space, self-paced study sheets, music, cheesecake, and nap space!

‎(childcare provided until 11:00 PM)‎

Join us for a sunrise service & breakfast: Join us in the garden ‎courtyard for morning prayer services as we ‎watch the sun rise and listen to the birds serenade us.

Presented in partnership with Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Congregation Bet Haverim, Ma’alot, and 18Doors.

• Sessions Presented by CBH, like: The Secret of Many Voices | B'sod Kolot

Congregation Bet Haverim's current and former Music Directors Rebekka Goldsmith and Gayanne Geurin are teaming up to facilitate an exploratory music session as a way in to unravel some of the mystery of receiving and revelation that are Shavuot’s core mystical elements.

Rebekka and Gayanne will work with a structure called, “Circle Singing” to guide participants to create a singing and sound experience that reveals itself moment to moment. You are welcome to sing with us or lay down and listen. All Voices Welcome. No prior experience necessary.

Click here to view the full schedule

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Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785