The Pop-Up Porous Chorus
Monday, April 8, 2024 • 29 Adar II 5784
7:00 PM - 8:30 PMCBH - In Person Only"Sometimes, when a person sings, they cannot raise their voice, but when someone comes to help and sings strongly, this gives the first person the ability to raise their own voice. This is the secret significance of uniting, soul to soul." - Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz
Co-led by: Music Director Rebekka Goldsmith, Chorus Director Will Robertson
Theme: Hey Everyone, It’s a New Moon - Let’s Sing!
Love to sing but don’t have time to rehearse weekly? Find yourself singing in the shower or car but fantasize about singing with a big group? Like to hum along to CBH music and wish you knew some of it better? The Pop-Up Porous Chorus is for you! As the name suggests, this is an occasional chorus experience for everyone!
Join your voice in a fun, community wide, no experience necessary, evening of shmoozing and song to welcome in the new moon of Nisan. Feel the joy of learning a collective piece of music. Sing a multi-part improvised piece that has never been sung before and will never be sung again! Your spirit is begging to be let out! Let it be through song.
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