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MLK Mitzvah Marathon

Monday, January 20, 2025 20 Tevet 5785

10:00 AM - 12:00 PMCBH

Monday, January 20 (10 am to Noon. Potluck lunch noon to 1:00 pm) at CBH
Honor one of the nation’s greatest heroes on his National Day of Service

To support reproductive freedom and female health, we will assemble post-abortion care kits and period packs for indigent women. We will also make sandwiches to be distributed to the homeless. Co-sponsored with the National Council of Jewish Women. Open to adults and accompanied children ages 12 and up.

All participants must register ahead of time!  (Registration link is at the end of this notice)

Note: This year, we will ONLY collect maxi pads to be included in the period packs. For all other supplies, please see “Donations” below.

You may purchase maxi pads and deliver them to Deb Saxe's home between December 10th and December 22nd.
Debra Saxe
1608 Mason Mill Rd NE
Atlanta, Ga 30329
(Before Jan. 11th so we have time to buy supplies.)

• Amazon Gift Cards: You can email, snail mail, or hand deliver Amazon Gift Cards to Debra Saxe. Her email address is

• Cash donations:  Use Debra’s Venmo account (404-295-6518), snail mail, or drop off a check payable to Debra Saxe.

For more information, contact Debra Saxe at 404-295-6518.

 Sign up for the volunteer jobs we need to organize this. (And the potluck!)

Register to attend below.




Enter Your details

* Name
* Email
* Phone
We ask that greeters arrive half an hour before the start of the event

Any gift made to CBH supports and makes possible services & gatherings like these, which serve to strengthen our community. Ability to pay is never a barrier to full participation at Congregation Bet Haverim.
Total $
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Sun, January 19 2025 19 Tevet 5785