Looking for a place to pray, be with community, share a nosh, be inspired by music, meditate, make some friends or sit in silence? You are welcome.
We warmly welcome you if you are queer, straight, bisexual, gay, questioning, lesbian, asexual, pansexual, confused, or prefer no label at all. We welcome all those who are single, happily married or maybe not so happily, partnered, poly, divorced, and separated. We welcome women, trans people, drag queens and kings, men, folks who are genderqueer, nonbinary, and people who are intersex.
We warmly welcome single parents, two-parent households, complex family constellations, people seeking families of choice, children of all ages, and even those who cry during the service. If your family is multiethnic or multiracial, if you are a Jew of color or of white privilege, you are welcome. We warmly welcome you if you invited your family or if your family made you come, if you are seeking solitude or the company of others. We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast.
We offer a sincere welcome to you who are Jewish, are Jew-ish, love a Jew or like a Jew, to the respectfully curious, to seekers of all faiths, to those of Sephardi, Mizrachi, Ashkenazi or unknown descent. We welcome you if you embrace mysticism, if you question or reject God, if you employ contemplative practice; if you are Reconstructionist, Conservative, Orthodox, Renewal or Reform; if you are a Humanist, Culinary, or Post-Denominational Jew.
We welcome those who are dirt poor or filthy rich or anywhere in between, come in a suit or heels - or both - dress in jeans, color coordinate or mismatch, wear a yarmulke or don’t, have tattoos, piercings, bifocals - or all three; have blue hair, no hair, a mullet, or a perfect coif. You are welcome equally whether you are more Jewish than Moses, have only a Jewish father, have two Jewish mothers, are a Jew by choice, or a Jew without one. If you only come twice a year, don’t call your mother enough, or still live with her, you are welcome.
You are welcome if you speak fluent Hebrew, stumble on transliteration, speak Hebrew with a drawl, never uttered a word in your life, curse in Yiddish, or sing in Ladino. If you’re Israeli, if you’ve been to Israel on Birthright, never been, an activist against the occupation, are passionately in love with Israel, and/or are deeply conflicted, you are welcome.
A special welcome to you if you don’t have a perfect body, or work out too much; if you have wrinkles on wrinkles, or have botoxed them away; if you rode your bike here, or your SUV, or came on your wheelchair; if you are a soccer mom, a derby widow, or a hockey dad, or if you detest sports altogether. We welcome artists, writers, students, singers, and those who crunch numbers, retirees, practice law, unemployed, under-employed, teach, build, plant, or serve.
We welcome you if you are down on your luck, or happier than honey on apples, tired of religious dogma, are skeptical and suspicious, doubtful, hopeful, hopeless, selfless, or self-satisfied.
We welcome you if you’ve been having problems or are good with answers, or if you don’t like “organized religion” — we’ve been there too.
We extend a warm welcome to activists, the apolitical, accidental advocates and silent resisters, those who embrace the status quo and those who buck convention.
We welcome you if you are a board member, a member of CBH, a guest or someone who stumbled in accidentally. You are welcome!
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Shevat 5785
Upcoming at CBH
Friday ,
FebFebruary 14 , 2025Shabbat Services
Friday, Feb 14th 7:30p to 9:00p
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Brit Mitzvah of McKenzie Wren
Shabbat, Feb 15th 4:30p to 6:00p
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 16 , 2025Chorus for Comfort and Healing
Sunday, Feb 16th 2:30p to 4:00p
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025The Sabbath Queen Experience: Shabbat Service & Dinner
Friday, Feb 21st 6:30p to 9:30p
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 23 , 2025Sabbath Queen Film Screening
Sunday, Feb 23rd 4:45p to 6:45p
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 25 , 2025CBH Board Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 25th 5:45p to 7:45p
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 25 , 2025Chorus for Comfort and Healing
Tuesday, Feb 25th 7:00p to 8:30p
Friday ,
FebFebruary 28 , 2025Pajama Shabbat Sababa
Friday, Feb 28th 5:45p to 8:00p
Saturday ,
MarMarch 1 , 2025Brit Mitzvah of Jonah Goodman
Shabbat, Mar 1st 9:30a to 12:30p
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025CBH Community School
Sunday, Mar 2nd 9:30a to 12:30p
Quick Links to regular Zoom Programs
Friday Shabbat Services
Saturday Morning Shabbat Services
15 Minute Minyan
Mindful Moments
Lunchtime Torah Study
Board Meetings
Looking for something else? You can find all our Zoomed programs on our live stream page!
don't miss a beat
Congregation Bet Haverim | 2074 Lavista Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 | 404•315•6446
email: engagement@cbhatlanta.org
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